Nnmaritime agenda 2010-20 pdf

The maritime agenda 201020 is part of the effort to identify the areas for attention during the 10 year period from 201011 to 201920. Collaborative research opportunities in north africa and the middle east this interdisciplinary research conference is supported by the national institute of allergy and. Common maritime agenda for the black sea and the way ahead ms. In 2011, the government of india had launched the lofty maritime agenda, a perspective plan of the shipping ministry for the present decade. Approve yctd board minutes for meeting of september, 2010 souza pp 38 x regular calendar 7. The agenda 2010 is a series of reforms planned and executed by the german government in. Nov 08, 20 the maritime agenda projects a total traffic of 2494. The proposed investments in ports by 2020 is expected to be 119449. The maritime agenda 201020 has a 2020 target of 3, mt of port capacity. Mr gk vasan minister of shipping launched the maritime agenda 20102020, a perspective plan of the shipping ministry for the present. Consider approval of agenda for october 11, 2010 meeting x 7. Agenda required navigation performance rnp ui e i f tunique equipage features 1.

Missed approach na igationmissed approach navigation irus dmedme honeywell. Chancellor proposes agenda 2010 to revive economy eurofound. Bacterial water borne and emerging infectious diseases. Concentrating mainly on his domestic agenda, he presented a programme of economic and social policy reforms. Cargo traffic at major ports mmt 7 3 2 100 300 500 700 fy16 fy17 fy18 india has 12 major ports. Part i of the report, entitled maritime piracy, part i. Pdf government of india ministry of shipping manish patil. The useful and considered comments provided by colleagues in the unctad trade logistics. Maritime agenda 2020, which is a recentlyreleased vision document for indian shipping industry for the next 10 years, aims to increase the indian tonnage four fold to 43 million gross. Launching the maritime agenda, the minister talked about the goals set for the sector including. Agenda monday, november 22, 2010 borough of chatham. The maritime agenda projects a total traffic of 2494. India maritime agenda 20102020 launched marine insight. On board monitoring and alertingon board monitoring and alerting lateral vertical 3.

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